11,89 Eur
9,83 Eur
Цифровой высококачественный ИК-датчик
Область детектирования 12м x 12м
Угол обзора 90°
Минимальное расстояние обнаружения - 0,5 м (без "мертвой" зоны)
Невосприимчивость к мелким животным до 16кг

Infrared motion detector managed by Full Authority Digital Electronics Control (FADEC)
Paradox's Hybrid Cylindrical-Spherical 1.0" lens with 3rd generation 3D Lodiff®
Fresnel segments- (12 x 12 m (40 x 40 ft.), 102° viewing angle, and 0.5 m (1.6 ft) to max range (no dead zone beam pattern)
Paradox's equalized detection pattern - ensures equal sensitivity throughout the protected area
Paradox Super Creep down-looking beam optic option for straight down detection Pet Immunity up to 16 kg (35 lb)
Dual/Single Edge Processing selection - the only one in its class
Paradox patented Dual Digital Auto Pulse Signal Processing (APSP) with two-level selection
Digitally equalized temperature compensation; unit performance specifically tailored to obtain same catch capability at all specified operating temperatures
Digital Sensitivity trimmer adjustment with five range levels and LED feedback, allows for perfect unit adjustment for all room sizes
Optional wall/ceiling mount bracket
Miniature yet easy to install with no PCB removal or adjustment
CE and EN50131 Grade 2 approved
Interchangeable lenses; 102° standard lens, long range and curtain available Q1 2012

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